Friday, June 17, 2011

Kolumbus: Norway’s Social Bus Network

In 2007, buses transported more than 290 million passengers over a staggering 2.3 billion miles on city and country roads in Norway. With buses being a primary source of transportation, it didn't take long for a transit company to consider reinventing the rather boring experience of public transportation.

Kolumbus, a leading transit provider that covers over 2,800 routes in Rogaland County, has set out to socialize the mass transit experience through its adoption of quick response "QR" code technology. Before we get started, here's a little nugget of information about QR codes: Born in Japan way back in 1994, QR codes are those robotic-looking two-dimensional barcodes supported by smart phones; upon being scanned, the code redirects the user to a company's website and displays information. While Japan uses them extensively in almost every industry, it has taken nearly two decades for QR codes to invade the West.

Now back to Norway…

Kolumbus recently launched a campaign aimed at providing the most accurate bus arrival and departure information by embedding an estimated 4,500 QR codes at over 1,200 bus stations across Norway. The codes allow passengers with smart phones to track buses in real-time using geospatial technology. With millions of people relying on public transportation for their day-to-day activities, QR codes could prove to be invaluable when it comes to time management and may become an essential part of life. But Kolumbus didn't stop there…

The transit company teamed up with Tales of Things, a research project exploring social memory in the Internet age, to create a location-based social network with elements of foursquare and Facebook. Here's basically how it works: You're at a bus stop with a few minutes until your bus arrives, you scan the QR code at the bus station to check for the exact arrival time and notice you have a few minutes to spare, you then log on to Tales of Things to peruse previous passengers' messages, pictures, tips, stories, etc. that they posted while waiting in the same spot, which may or may not entice you to chime in and begin sharing also. Oh, and because each QR code is unique to its location, each message, picture, tip, story, etc. is also unique to its location providing an endless adventure and an unprecedented way to socialize in a public transportation setting. Pretty neat, right?

I don't know about you, but any time I use public transportation here in DC it's like I become mute; let's be real, interacting with others is the last thing on most people's minds when using public transportation. Between funny smells, crowdedness, or a lack of AC during the hot summer months (I'm talking about you, Metro), most people are more focused on their destination than each other. I find this a rather fascinating way to get people interested in connecting with those who are ultimately sharing the same journey as them and who, although close in proximity, rarely interact with each other. This is a model that can be replicated a thousand times over across the world; which has me wondering: why did it take so long for someone to promote the interconnectedness of public transportation?

Passenger shares his bus ride in Norway on YouTube.

Kolumbus' social bus network, the first in the world, is essentially tied to time management, but underscores the value of connecting with people, particularly in unorthodox ways. It creates excitement! Incorporating the underutilized QR code technology and promoting socialization via public transit is truly a revolutionary approach. Just imagine this Norwegian mentality in Washington, D.C.! Hey, you never know, maybe people will be inspired to be friendlier! Isn't Norway the happiest country on earth? We can clearly learn a thing or two from the Norwegians!

P.S. Leave it to a transportation company named "Kolumbus" to revolutionize the way people move about! That world-famous navigator Christopher Columbus would certainly be proud!

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